Surgery is a medical speciality that employs instrumental and operative manual procedures on people to examine or treat a pathological disease or injuries in order to enhance bodily appearance and functions or to restore icky ruptured/fractured parts. Surgery typically lasts from or takes minutes to hours; however, generally, it is not a continuous or regular kind of treatment.

Whether chosen as an option or in an emergency, surgery is conducted for different reasons. A patient might require surgery to :

  • Eliminate or improve diseased organs or tissues
  • Eliminate a block
  • Examine the disease for diagnosis
  • Implant automated or electronic equipment
  • Enhance bodily looks
  • Shift blood vessels also referred to as bypass surgery
  • Transplant tissue or entire organs
  • Get a biopsy of a skeptical bulge
  • Transfer structures to their original position


Piles, also called Haemorrhoids, are elongated blood vessels that occur inside your anus and lower rectum, identical to varicose veins. It’s quite natural if a person develops blood vessels in their anus because they are essential for continence. However, piles can grow if these blood vessels become elongated, resulting in various symptoms and complications. About 3 out of 4 grown-up individuals can have piles from time to time. There can be several causes behind piles; however, usually, the causes are obscure. Luckily, there are effective treatment alternatives available for piles. Most people get alleviation simply with treatments done at home and certain lifestyle changes.



Hernia is a disorder in which a part of an organ or the body is dislocated and projected through the cavity wall that holds it. Different kinds of hernias can happen, generally including the abdomen, and especially the groin. Groin hernias are generally inguinal; however, they can be femoral too. Other forms of hernias are umbilical hernias, hiatus, and incisional. In case a person is undergoing the condition of Hernia it is crucial to get it treated on time. Most types of hernias are not directly fatal; however, they don’t get healed on their own either. Therefore, surgery can be required sometimes to deter harmful complications.


Pilonidal sinus (PNS)

Pilonidal sinus (PNS) or pilonidal cyst is a tiny cleft, tunnel, or hole that occurs in the skin at the top of the buttocks. It can fill with pus or fluid leading to the growth of an abscess or cyst. A pilonidal cyst often holds debris, hair, and dirt. It can lead to unbearable discomfort and can usually become infected. When infected, it can exude blood and pus and harbor a nasty smell. Pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a disease that mainly affects males and is typical in immature adults. It’s likewise quite normal in people who sit for a longer time, for example, cab drivers, office employees, etc.


Laparoscopic Gall Bladder Surgery

Laparoscopic gall bladder surgery, also known as cholecystectomy, refers to the surgical elimination of the gallbladder. Laparoscopic gall bladder surgery is a standard treatment of symptomatic gallstones and different gallbladder diseases. Laparoscopic gall bladder surgery is done laparoscopically or through a minimally invasive procedure. Normally, laparoscopic gall bladder surgery successfully relieves manifestations; however, around 10% of people might undergo some manifestation after the surgery, a disease known as a postcholecystectomy syndrome.


Varicose veins

Goyal hospital is determined to provide the best and most valuable services to their patients. Many treatments are carried on by our doctors easily and with due care. One such condition is Varicose veins which are developed in the veins of the legs. Varicose veins are crooked veins that are developed due to increased pressure on the veins of the legs. They appear bluish beneath the surface of the skin. Swollen and disfigured, they may be painful, but they are harmless.

The causes of varicose veins are :

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Hereditary
  • Pregnancy
  • Moreover, women tend to get affected more by varicose veins.

Apart from being painful other symptoms include :

  • Change in the colour of veins
  • Burning sensation
  • Swelling
  • Ulcers
  • Blood clots, and bleeding can also be triggered if other complications arise.

As per the treatment of this condition, our doctors’ notable advice is :

  • Change in the sitting and standing position or habit.
  • Consumption of low salt with high fibre-containing food.
  • Exercise.
  • To have a watch on the weight regularly.
  • Apart from the following preventive measures, following our doctor’s advice is necessary to get satisfactory results.


In veins, we may find certain valves that are not functioning properly, a varicocele is developed due to the poor functioning of these valves. In some cases, it may also occur due to the contraction of the vein of the nearby structure. It is also called Scrotum varicose veins. It is harmless, but it is also associated with infertility problems bestowing to low sperm production and reduced sperm quality.

Varicocele usually appears on the left side of the scrotum and generally doesn’t have any symptoms.

Some signs include :

  • Pain while standing for too long causes discomfort, and a dull feeling while lying down often releases pain.
  • If a varicocele is small in size, it can be noticed by touch, but in case it’s large in size, a mass like a “ball of worms” is visible above the testicle.
  • Some varicocele may cause infertility.

Some of the noted complications are :

  • Having varicocele may affect the body to maintain the temperature of the testicles.
  • It may affect hormone production and other factors related to the health and function of the testicle.
  • Infertility is not considered mainly a cause of varicocele. About 40% of men have a varicocele, but they are not diagnosed with fertility problems.

At Goyal hospital, our doctors diagnose varicocele by visual introspection of the spectrum and by touch. They also opt for ultrasound examination, where sounds are used to visualize images of the structures inside your body. Based on the images, they characterize, detect the problem and thereby eliminate them.